Friday, April 27, 2007

i was emo that day...

I once believed I had the potential to become a great person, someone i aim to be. Someone who will one day do something amazing, something huge.

i just came across the idea that maybe I'm wrong. This "potential" is an illusion. My self-encouragement is empty. Everything I do or have done is in vain.

I've done things that made me feel amazing and momentarily accomplished. These things were only temporary. They made no difference. They had absolutely no permanent impact on anyone.

And it's everyone else that matters.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Heirarchy of Needs.

Do you think its possible to reach perfection? Benjamin Franklin was constantly examining his faults. He would spend time fixing each one, one at a time. He was an eccentric man. He spent a large portion of his life trying to find ways to save time. He unsuccessfully tried to invent the air bath. His accomplishments are recognized and praised by the world, but if he were alive today, and you were to ask him if he felt his life accomplished, I wonder what he would say.

I thought I wanted to pursue perfection; to rid myself of the many faults I possess. But then what? If by some miracle I was able to lose all of the characteristics that make me dislike myself, would that cause me to then look down on others who can't? Maybe I need to focus on learning to accept other peoples faults. but then that would be controversial. because thats like saying I won't look at their faults, I'll focus on mine. But thats what I do anyways.

The path to self-actualization is a never-ending circle.

Maslow. You're a douche.